The Camp is a modern innovation center located in the wider rural part of Marseille, created in collaboration with local authorities and the private sector. In addition to the entrepreneurial incubator, Fab lab, The Camp works to develop new technologies, encourage international cooperation, networking, stimulate the youth population, all in a unique contemporary architectural environment in the general interest of the community (s). In addition to operating internationally, The Camp brings together a variety of social categories: NGOs, politicians, artists, children and the general population.
In Coviolo, which has a population of 2,468, several citizens launched a project to work with the City of Reggio Emilia and Lepida Spa to address the need for faster internet, as the resort did not have access to it. Today, residents of Coviolo have 1 Gbps WiFi available without any structural interventions, and the monthly fee for it is 50% lower than other options offered by telecom operators. In addition, the money raised by providing the service goes to a mutual fund which is then returned to the same community to address other problems or needs.
This is the first electric model specially designed and intended for people with disabilities or special needs. The car is fully adapted for people in wheelchairs. The side doors have been removed and the car is entered from the rear. The doors of this car open via remote control, which makes it completely easier to enter the car. Management is also tailored to people with special needs.
The "Open Data of Aragon" project launched by the Regional Administration of the Aragon Region and their web platform, which aims to easily and concisely search the open data of the Aragon region in one place.
Cooperativa L'Olivera employs people with disabilities and provides them with the necessary social support to reintegrate into the community, with the aim of producing quality wine and oil and revitalizing agricultural activities along the edge of Barcelona in a natural park where 30% of cultivated land fell to a modest 3%.
"La Friche la Belle de Mai", a former tobacco factory, and today the scene of urban culture, which with its spatial capacity provides the citizens of Marseille with a variety of content: integrative workshops for parents and children, sports activities, a bookstore of non-established artists serving prison sentences, unconventional theater, galleries, cafe, restaurant and other facilities. "La Friche la Belle de Mai" brings together different generations of citizens with its activities, and in addition to encouraging integration and coexistence, it aims to remove children from the streets and focus on innovative content from an early age.
"The Levat Garten", an atypical garden in which the inhabitants of Marseille within the city belt have the opportunity to enjoy the cultivation of various plants, fruits and vegetables. Different age groups also gather there, and the garden has a therapeutic effect because former addicts also approach it for this purpose.
Loris Malaguzzi International Center
A characteristic example of social innovation, the Loris Malaguzzi Center applies specific methods in working with preschool and school-age children. Unlike the standard education system, a more modern approach to working with children is applied there, starting from a young age. "School without backpacks" - as its staff popularly calls it, operates on the principle that children do not carry school bags, since there is everything they need.
Manu Prakash, a bio-engineer from Stanford, made Paperfuge - a small paper and wire device, which costs 20 cents, and which replaces a centrifuge, an important piece of laboratory equipment used to diagnose infections such as malaria and HIV. Unlike a centrifuge, Paperfuge does not require electricity, complex machines, expensive spare parts, or a lot of money to manage. The application of this technology in parts of the world that have limited resources can bring tremendous benefits to human health.
Coral Vita restores dying reefs by growing hardy adaptable corals and transplanting them into degraded, devastated places. Coral Vita uses a variety of methods to accelerate coral growth up to 50x relative to the natural rate and strengthen their resilience to changing ocean conditions.
Trešnjevka Neighbourhood Museum
Responds to the challenge of representation and commercialisation of museums. Museums are hierarchical and elite institutions, which many communities do not feel represented. Public finance cuts in the arts have also forced museums to commercialise their collections by focusing on tourism and away from the local community. "Trešnjevka Neighbourhood Museum" curates a museum as social innovation. Unlike conventional museums, which are usually elitist or consumerist, this neighbourhood museum is democratically founded and managed by the community of Trešnjevka, one of Zagreb’s largest neighbourhoods. The collection’s objects, images, and stories defy the dominant national narratives by focusing on suppressed themes and diverse histories of Trešnjevka: migration, anti-fascist, workers’, and women’s movements.
The Green Squad fights to preserve Croatia's forests and natural resources by revealing to the public the misconduct, legal violations, and non-transparency of the Croatian national forestry. Green squad calls out against the irresponsibility and failure of the governing authorities to comply with legal frameworks and regulations. It stands strong as a complex social innovation. Its numerous public campaigns and precise documentation of the state-owned forestry denounce corruption, as well as the destruction of forests/natural resources and the livelihoods of small family farming communities. Besides advocating for change both through politics and in court, the Green squad serves as a beacon for others because it cooperates with similar initiatives in neighbouring countries with which it shares a common struggle for ecological and social goals.