Carrier Zaklada za poticanje partnerstva i razvoja civilnog društva
Place of implementation Pula
The field of social innovation Tourism, Culture, Social inclusion

The possibility and potential that Pula as a city has in its philanthropic story go beyond those basic socially responsible and charitable notions. Pula in its philanthropic story has great cultural and tourist potential, which can be used not only to raise awareness of the importance of charity and solidarity, fundraising but through its philanthropic story, creates a foundation for future generations for socially responsible behaviour and living.

The house of philanthropy "Feel good house" is a place that people will gladly go to. By telling stories of people who throughout history have built water systems with their resources, preserved the collective social treasure, helped the church, helped the poor and needy and cared for the community, the House of Philanthropy will primarily give all its visitors a good feeling.

It is designed as an interactive multimedia centre on philanthropy in Pula, with a permanent exhibition of interactive exhibitions about benefactors and a chronological presentation of Pula's philanthropy, in a way that modern approach to interaction (holograms, projections, digital tools) makes the exhibition interesting to all generations. And all to promote philanthropy and encourage philanthropy. Namely, in addition to informing about philanthropy and the possibilities and ways of involvement and contribution to the community, the House of Philanthropy and all its segments will be set up and arranged in such a way as to motivate and encourage individuals to philanthropic, charitable activities. business activities and interactive content, in cooperation with the Foundation for the Promotion of Partnership and Civil Society Development, to provide support to programs that encourage charity. Namely, the entire profit of the "House of Philanthropy" will return to the community.

The intention is to activate groups and individuals to promote and improve work for the common good, encourage investment in the community through socially responsible projects, investment of personal time, knowledge and skills through various forms of volunteering (training vulnerable and marginalized groups to join the community).

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