Associate Professor dr. sc. Erik Ružić
Erik Ružić, is an associate professor at the Department of Marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Tourism “Dr Mijo Mirković ”from Pula. He has taught numerous courses in the field of marketing in undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies. He is the author of several professional and scientific articles, a participant in international scientific conferences and a member of the organizing and program committees of conferences. He was the head of the specialist postgraduate study "Marketing of Services" for one term and designed a lifelong program in the field of marketing. Prior to his academic career, which began in 2010, he was a sales manager for many years. He organized and led several workshops for business people and was an internal trainer in the parent company.
He is a member of the Croatian Marketing Association - CROMAR and the Croatian Association for Direct and Interactive Marketing - CRODMA, where he is a member of the Board.
What distinguishes him, in particular, is his passion for knowledge transfer and working with young and less young, creative, curious and talented people.
Through the courses he teaches, he promotes thinking "out of the box" and encourages young people to take an innovative approach to problem-solving. Many courses touch on innovation as well as the importance of social responsibility but also the importance of motivated and satisfied employees to encourage innovation.