Krešimir Krolo
Years of research of young people in the field of digital media and contemporary culture. One of the authors of the book "Klasika, punk, cajke: cultural capital and values of young people in cities on the Adriatic coast" and author of several scientific articles published in reputable domestic and international journals in the field of sociology and youth, media and contemporary culture. In the period from 2012 to 2016, a lecturer at the summer school GUSSEG, the University of Graz as part of the module Media, Culture and Society and a lecturer at numerous professional workshops in the field of culture, media literacy, and participatory potential of young people. Collaborator on several professional projects related to public-civil partnership and development of participatory democracy in the community (Our Hajduk Association, Zadar City Youth Council, GONG, Metamedij, Rojc Association, Zadrugart, K.I.N.O. Project)
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